Business English Club

Improve your Business English with a group of motivated, fun professionals in all kinds of Industries!

''This course is very helpful! It's perfect for Business English. I am always excited for the next lesson!''

- Max S., Student of the Online School

Do you need English for your job, but don't have the time or energy for private 1-1 lessons with a teacher?

Believe it or not, we hear that often ''I don't have the time'', but actually we think what is really missing, is the WANT to go to class. The fun part of learning something that will actually help you with your job! We've been teaching Business English at international companies for the last 10 years, and we understand that English wasn't always a fun way to spend an hour - but we truly believe that you CAN improve your english, and you CAN enjoy it too!

This Business English Club is for people who need to improve their Business English, and want to enjoy it. We have 3 lessons per week, on different days and different times, so that YOU can join when you have time... join a group of lovely people, learn from those people, and of course practice speaking and writing in English so that you can truly improve your Business English each and every time you come to class.

Be INSPIRED to come again and again and again!

Your Instructor


Kate is a Business English coach in Germany. She's been helping people improve their practical skills, communication skills, grammar and vocabulary since 2012!

Kate comes from Canada, but has taught English in Korea and now she lives in Germany helping employees at international companies effectively communicate with people from all over the world.

This world is only getting more international, and English is the best way to stay international too. She's committed to helping as many people as she can!l

Monday: TEDTalk discussion class @ 1pm (central European time)

Wednesday: Game night! @ 7pm (central European time)

Thursday: Business English Lesson @ 1pm (central European time)

With three classes per week, you can truly fit English into your changing weeks - come whenever you can!!

All lessons are on Zoom and the Thursday lesson is recorded and added to the saved curriculum. So don't worry if you cannot join live, you can always watch the recording when you have the time.

Along with the Live lessons, you can watch our back-catalogue of recorded lessons. They are all available to you and can be watched as many times as you need.

Course Curriculum

  Welcome to the Club!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Links for upcoming lessons
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a group course that continues on, so stay as long as you're learning, and happy!
How long do I have access to the course?
Because this is a membership-style class, you'll have access to all the trainings, and bonuses, as long as you're in the membership. Once you decided to leave, you won't have access to those trainings anymore.
What if I am unhappy with the group course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

Join the Business English Club now, and truly start improving your English - FAST!

Get started now!